La Storia

The history of ATAP

A.T.A.P. s.p.a. was founded on the 20th September 1986 by the Province of Vercelli (at that time it included the the territory of both Biella and Vercelli). 105 towns, 4 mountain communities; by the 31st December 2011 the shareholders were: The Province of Biella, the Province of Vercelli, 116 towns and 5 mountain communities.

Prior to this, from 1977, rural transport services were provided by the Province of Vercelli, which were taken over from a private company A.T.A (who provided public transport services for rail and bus since the 50’s) who found themselves in financial and organisational difficulties.
In 1980 the provincial transport management took over the urban and suburban routes for the town of Vercelli, which were part of the companies SAACV and ASALAV.

Today, ATAP is the main public transport carrier in the provinces of Biella and Vercelli, runs the funicular services in the city of Biella, runs a bus rental service and is also part of the “Extra-TO” consortium.

Over time, ATAP has integrated a business management system whose efficiency is endorsed by the following certifications:


  • 2000: ATAP was one of the first transport companies to acquire a certification of quality – UNI EN ISO 9002, subsequently updated to UNI ENI ISO 9001;
  • 2008: the company achieved “environmental” certification” UNI ENI ISO 14001;
  • the safety certification BH OHSAS 18001.

Achieving these certifications ensures all ATAP users a high standard of quality, environmental sustainability and safety.
